Friday 22 February 2013

You are beautiful.

I am a person that quite often tell people how I feel about them, that I appreciate something they've done, or the fact that they might look extra nice that day. And when I do, I genuinely mean it.

It doesn't take a lot to tell someone how you feel. Yet, people rather tell someone else about it, or they don't say anything at all. Why not just tell them, what will you lose from that?

So, let's try a thing here: express gratitude to people around you. Tell a friend, a work mate, a family member or a stranger something nice about them, to them. That last thing is the important part. You need to tell them how you feel.

And if you find it hard to express yourself through speech, why not write it down on a piece of paper? I do that quite often, I love writing letters to my family. So if you find it hard to tell them, write to them.

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